18 Hole Women announce theme for 2025 Invitational

By Chris Leisy

Donna Quartaro has done it again! For the fourth year she has created a special song for our Invitational. Committee members gathered around Donna to practice for the big reveal of Viva las Villages. Our illustrious songwriter is still home recovering from neck surgery but she was with us in spirit and song! Back row: Diana Pat, Barb, Kerry, Kathy. Front row: Lo, Mazie and Donna.
Donna Quartaro has done it again! For the fourth year she has created a special song for our Invitational. Committee members gathered around Donna to practice for the big reveal of Viva las Villages. Our illustrious songwriter is still home recovering from neck surgery but she was with us in spirit and song! Back row: Diana Pat, Barb, Kerry, Kathy. Front row: Lo, Mazie and Donna.

March Captains Trophy Day was another cold and drizzly day but there were over 20 women that decided to come out and play. Captain’s Trophy winner was Bev Poellot with a net 61, low putts was Kerry Besmehn with 26 putts. There was only one person with a chip in and that was Marky Olsen and she got the total of $6. 

The big announcement was after our first General Meeting. Mazie Rice, Co-Captain, and her fabulous team sang the song “The Gambler,” with lyrics written by our own Donna Quartaro. Mazie announced the theme for the 2025 Invitational and it is Viva Las Villages. Get your partner and join in on the fun. The dates are June 18, 19 and 20. Applications will be out soon.

Our next event is on March 13 for our annual Charity Day Tournament. 

This year the charity is the UCSF Foundation for Melanoma. Diana Hallock and Holly Magowen are hard at work making this a fun day of golf. The results will be next week. 

It’s not too late to sign up for the first guest day of the year. Mark your calendar for March 27 and Spring into Golf. Invite any friend that has an official USGA GHIN number. 

Next month events to look for are: April 3 – Captains Trophy, April 17 – Beat the Pro.

We have another new member, Hanhi Min. She is a long-time friend of Michelle Chung and will be her big sister. They have been friends since they were in South Korea. Please welcome her if you see her.
