VMA’s Resident Service Coordinator, Bonnie Grim, has received her company’s annual STAR Award. Sequoia Living recognized Bonnie for modeling their values of accountability, caring and teamwork whilst working at The Villages Medical Auxiliary.
Bonnie holds herself accountable for maintaining the caregiver registry that is provided to Villagers upon request, writes the VMA weekly schedule update for the Villager, and effectively and efficiently stays current on resources available to Villages’ residents.
Bonnie follows up weekly on incident reports received from the Villages Public Safety Department. Many residents report that they appreciate Bonnie’s outreach, information, and support after they return from an emergency room visit or hospitalization. She cares deeply that residents receive the proper attention and services when needed.
Additionally, she researches topics, outreaches to agencies, communicates the needs of the Villages residents and schedules programs for the full year on behalf of VMA. This requires Bonnie to work not only with program directors and the VMA Board, but Villager staff and residents. Her teamwork is essential to the success of the VMA programs offered each year.
VMA is so fortunate to have such a wonderful, caring and reliable Resident Service Coordinator! We, at the VMA, couldn’t agree more with Sequoia Living’s designation of STAR for Bonnie’s contributions to all of us here at The Villages. Congratulations, Bonnie!