SRS: Preparing to do your income tax (the right way), plus tax appointment update

Update: The Evergreen Community Center is now taking tax preparation appointments by phone and drop-in. To make an appointment call 408-270-2220.

How to prepare to do your income tax (the right way)

No tax preparer wants to see you walk in with a grocery bag of paper, particularly when the envelopes are not even opened. Here’s a list of all the information you need to collect to do your income taxes or to go to The Villages AARP tax preparation site or paid preparer.

Identification Information (If going to a new preparer)

• Last year’s tax return

• Social Security cards (or SSA-1099) for each individual on the return. Yes, this is one of those times to get out your physical card.

• Photo IDs

• Checkbook—if you want to do direct deposit or direct payment

• Identity Protection PIN—If the IRS has sent you one.

All the income and deduction information that is sent to you in the mail that you need to collect will have a notice on the envelope: Important Tax Information. Open them! Save the tax document.

Income documents

• Any W-2s

• 1099-Gs

• SSA-1099 form

• Other 1099 forms (1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B, 1099-R, 1099-K and 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC) (Note: Look for the indication it is the 1099 form. A summary statement from your brokerage is not the IRS form.)

• Add your information about any cash payments you may have received for business services rendered.


• Records of any federal or state estimated tax payments you made – date and amount.


• 1098 from a Mortgage Company

• Property tax bills paid

• Summary of your medical expenses paid: Insurance premiums, payments directly to doctors or dentists, prescriptions, assisted living services, long-term care insurance.

• Summary of your charitable donations: separate listing of cash and non-cash contributions to charitable organizations (not political organizations)

• Records of expenses related to your investments and any unreimbursed business expenses related to a job.

• Dependent care provider information if it enables you to work

• 1098-T Educational Expenses / 1098-E Student loan interest

A paid tax preparer will likely send you an individualized organization booklet. If you are going to a paid tax preparer, be aware that most preparers charge by the time it takes to do your return. Good organization on your part should mean a lower charge to you.

SRS reminder: Tax preparer list

A list of suggested paid tax preparers is available at the SRS office. All on the list are either CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) or EAs (Enrolled Agents). Stop by the office for a copy or call 408-239-5253. If you leave your e-mail address, the handout can be emailed to you. 

Note: The Senior Resource Services (SRS) office hours for drop-in assistance are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. The SRS office is in the Cribari Center across from the Post Office. You may also leave a message at 408-239-5253. The purpose of SRS is to provide education and general business and financial information. All assistance is free and confidential. You should ask your professional advisor about your individual situation.
