On Thursday mornings there is an AARP/IRS sponsored site for free income tax preparation at The Villages. Thursdays might not be a convenient day for you, or perhaps there might not be an open appointment on the day you can come.
Well, good news. There are other AARP/IRS sites in the valley. These sites vary in services available. First, understand your preparation service choices and then search for a location that can provide that service to you.
To find these additional sites go online to www.aarp.org and enter Tax-Aide Locations in the search box. Put in our zip code and the sites will be listed by distance from The Villages. Senior Resource Services has a handout listing the 9 closest sites. Stop by the SRS office for a copy or call 408-239-5253 and SRS can email you the handout.
Where can I get paper IRS tax forms?
The IRS is encouraging everyone to file online. So, what can you do if you still prefer paper tax forms? The fastest and most efficient way to get them is through the IRS.gov website. You’ll be able to find most federal tax forms, as well as the instructions for each form. You can download these forms, print them out and send them to the IRS.
You can also request copies by phone by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). In addition, the most common tax forms and instructions are available at local Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs) throughout the country. To find the nearest IRS TAC, use the TAC Office Locator on IRS.gov.
California forms are also available:
There are two ways to have them mailed to you: (1) Call 1-800-338-0505. Select 1 for Personal Income Tax and then select Forms and Publications. (2) Or go to www.ftb.ca.gov, click on “Forms” and on the next page click on “By U.S. Mail.”
Or you can download and print forms from the website as above just by clicking on the blue “Online” button and entering your form number in the search box.
Note: The Senior Resource Services (SRS) office hours for drop-in assistance are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. The SRS office is in the Cribari Center across from the Post Office. You may also leave a message at 408-239-5253. The purpose of SRS is to provide education and general business and financial information. All assistance is free and confidential. You should ask your professional advisor about your individual situation.