SRS: Reminder—File for parcel tax exemption by May 31

If you wish to file for an exemption from the annual $125 Evergreen School District parcel you must do so by May 31. You may do so if your Villages property is your principal residence, and you are at least age 65 or will be age 65 by July 1, 2025. If there are joint owners of your principal residence, only one owner needs to be age 65.

If you had the exemption from the parcel tax for 2024/2025, your exemption has been automatically renewed by the School District. There is nothing more you need to do. This article is about new exemption requests. 

If you would like to apply for the exemption for the 2025/2026 tax year, you may file online at Click on “Community” and then click “Senior Parcel Tax Exemption.” You will need to upload documents to prove three things:

1. Proof of ownership: Your current property tax bill

2. Proof of residence: Your current PG&E bill

3. Proof of birth date: Your driver license, passport, or birth certificate

You may also apply in person for the exemption at the School District Office at 3188 Quimby Rd, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through May 31, 2025. Contact: Casey Wink at or Patty Maciel at to schedule an appointment. The phone number is 408-270-6822.

If you are new to The Villages and the address on your driver’s license does not match your property tax statement, please schedule an appointment at the district office. Bring your Villager residency card and a second bill to substantiate your residency.

Also, if you do not yet have a property tax statement, take your escrow purchase statement and related papers to the district office. Before the appointment go to and enter your address in the Property Record Search box. The district needs the assessor’s parcel number for your application.

Not sure whether you have the exemption? Go to your last property tax bill. Look on the back page under the section labeled “Parcel Tax/Special Assessments.” If a line item is “Evergreen Measure EE 2018 $125” you are paying the tax. If you can’t find this listing, it means you are currently exempt from the tax. 

SRS Recommendation: Get your tax refund ASAP

If you are receiving a refund on your income tax return, the safest, most accurate and fastest way to get your refund is to electronically file your return and choose direct deposit of your refund. Most people receive their refund within 21 days. 

Expect an additional 60 to 90 days to receive your refund if you ask for a paper check. 

Direct deposit means any tax refund is electronically deposited for free into your checking or savings account. This is the same electronic transfer system used to deposit nearly 98 percent of all Social Security and Veterans Affairs benefits into millions of accounts. You trust it for your Social Security, why not trust it for your tax refund?

Note: The Senior Resource Services (SRS) office hours for drop-in assistance are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. The SRS office is in the Cribari Center across from the Post Office. You may also leave a message at 408-239-5253. The purpose of SRS is to provide education and general business and financial information. All assistance is free and confidential. You should ask your professional advisor about your individual situation.
