‘Called to Serve’

By Msgr. Eugene O’Donnell

As we read the Gospels, we often see a contrast between what Jesus is thinking and what the disciples are thinking. One episode is in the Gospel of Mark (9:30-37)

Jesus is predicting his passion and death in Jerusalem, and the disciples are discussing, among themselves, who is the greatest. Jesus is focused on his mission from the Father that will involve suffering and death, and the disciples are thinking of themselves and their own self-interests.

When they get home, Jesus explains to them that whoever wishes to be the greatest should seek to be last and the servant of all. His way is the way of servanthood and humility.

One of the great things that we see in our community is that there are people in it who follow the teaching of Jesus literally. They are examples to the rest of us and a challenge.

They are also very beautiful and joyful people and a blessing for us all.

Our church is called to be a servant church and a “field hospital for the world” (Pope Francis). ‘ Let us hope we can respond along with our sisters and brothers who are already doing that.