‘The Presence of Kindness’

By Pastor Bill Hayden

Kindness can sometimes surprise you at a time when you least expect it. I went to Starbucks to purchase coffee for the office manager and myself some time ago. An older lady with an accent was at the counter, placing her order with difficulty. She finally placed her order along with another person in front of me and went to take a seat. I placed my order and went to the cream and sugar counter to wait for my name to be called. Well, for some reason, that day, they weren’t calling your name to receive your purchases. They choose to call out the name of your coffee selections. People stood close by to hear their selections called out, and they picked up their orders individually.

While standing there, I noticed one order still had not been picked up. I looked around and saw the older lady was still sitting in her seat. So, I thought, is this her order? I took the order off the counter, walked over to her, and asked if it was hers, and she said yes. She invited me to sit and have coffee at her table. I thanked her and declined because I had to return to the office. I was surprised that a stranger would be so kind as to offer to share their table for coffee with me. It was unusual for me because I usually reach out to others. What was interesting to me was that she wasn’t afraid of who I was. There have been many times I have received raised eyebrows because of my cultural difference. It is encouraging to meet kind souls and people daring to embrace a different person from a distinct ethnic group.

Make a difference in this world of mistrust and prejudice by allowing the fruit of the Holy Spirit to manifest kindness to one another. Hebrews 13:2 NKJV “Do not forget to entertain strangers for in doing so some may be unwittingly entertained angels.”

Please celebrate with us and experience the Good Life at the Villages Community Chapel in Cribari Auditorium every Sunday at 10 a.m. to be encouraged over the Word of Life and enjoy coffee and cookies with friends. The chapel is a place for needs to be met, faith to be affirmed, and new friends to embrace. You can view our worship services on YouTube at http://villagescommunitychapel.vgcc.club