Public Works updates for the week of October 14

Turf Conversion 

Gachina Landscape Management continues on the Turf Conversion Beta Sites along Villages Parkway towards the entrance gates. 

Gachina began the Sheet Mulching process that will continue throughout next week on the entrance landscape towards the security gate. 

Demo will begin around the Del Lago frontage. 

What is sheet mulching? 

Sheet mulching (sometimes called lasagna mulching) is a process of creating a new garden bed or planting zone over an area of grass by layering on “sheets” of organic matter (see diagram).

Hole 18 Pond Renovation Electrical Work 

Began: Monday, October 7

Ends: Friday, October 18

Hours of work: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Workers will remove and replace existing electrical panel to run the lake pump. Harper Electric will be using a mini excavator to remove the old panel and dig a trench for an electrical line. Minimal disruption to golf play during the work is expected. 

Valle Vista Vent Project

Village Team completes the final landscaping for the sink hole repairs.


The project team ran into an issue with about 2 of every 3 vent holes being too small to fit the new vent plugs. The team met on Tuesday last week to determine the best and most efficient way to complete the task. Updated notices will be posted on Monday, October 14 for the entire project.

We will continue working on units 9001 – 9024 on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

During the start of the project, Posey Design & Construction informed Management the majority existing vent holes needed to be modified to fit the new Vulcan Plug. Additionally, the original vents received from the manufacturer were sent as louvered and not screened. As a result, Ryan Bell met with Posey Design and Construction and created a revised plan to install and complete the vent project.