‘It’s Time for Meat’

By Pastor Bill Hayden

I remember growing up when my mother fed my younger brother from the table. He was an infant who graduated from Gerber baby food. The food was nourishing but not satisfying to a growing baby who had tasted seasoned food from the table. Life can be unsettling for babies when they are not getting enough of the right foods. They become satisfied for the moment but they don’t have the right nutrition to give them enough strength required for endurance.

My mother did not have baby food or a grinder during those days, so she did what any poor mother would do. Her method was a little unorthodox, but this is how she fed her hungry child. She chewed the food first to make it palatable for the baby’s consumption and fed him from her mouth with her hand. One could say that it was like a mother bird feeding her hungry, awaiting fledglings.

Healthy teeth are required for humans to be able to break down their food to consume, especially meat. If you are given meat and you have few teeth, it makes it difficult to break down enough to swallow and you can easily choke.

Sometimes, when conveying the truth to some individuals, you realize they cannot receive it and grow. For some to accept the solid facts about life, you must make it palatable for them. This is like the way my mother chose to feed some of us. She would break it down so that it would be palatable and easier for us to swallow.

On the other hand, some people are satisfied with the Gerber baby food process. All you need to do is open your mouth and swallow, and there is little effort involved as opposed to sinking your teeth in and breaking it down for consumption. At some point baby food is good, but not enough to build a robust, healthy, and mature body.

Today, more than ever, there is a great need for individuals to exercise wisdom and care for each other. As Christians, we all know what it’s like to be imperfect and need affirmation. This shared experience should make it easier for us to empathize with one another, to connect on a deeper level, and to show compassion in our faith.

Our journey from milk to meat concerns spiritual growth, maturity, and the strength to withstand adversity. But at its core, it’s about understanding God’s word. This understanding empowers us, gives us the discernment to exercise the truth under duress, and guides us on our path to spiritual maturity.

Ephesians 5:15-16: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

Please celebrate with us and experience the Good Life at the Villages Community Chapel in Cribari Auditorium every Sunday at 10 a.m. to be encouraged over the Word of Life and enjoy coffee and cookies with friends. The chapel is a place for needs to be met, faith to be affirmed, and new friends to embrace. You can view our worship services on YouTube at https://villagescommunitychapel.vgcc.club