I was visiting my family in Portland this Christmas. At Mass we all received a small book from the parish by Matthew Kelly. I related with so much of his content.
The book is called, “The Three Ordinary Voices of God.” I was especially taken with his words “silence, solitude, and simplicity, three great friends”, all necessary to hear the voice of God.
The three ordinary voices that the author suggests are needs, talents, and desires.
As I thought of this, I understood needs to mean the basic need we all have for food, shelter and clothing. The voice of my talents are the gifts that I have been given. These gifts are how I can interact in the world. The voice of desires speaks to my desire for health and emotional well-being. It also calls me to deepen my relationship with God.
May the three friends of “silence, solitude and simplicity” help us to hear the voice of God in our needs, talents and desires. As we begin again in the new year.