Bocce Bash returns with ‘Spring Into Brunch’

Well, it tried to rain on our parade Sunday, March 2 but once we were in the Clubhouse, it was Party Time. Barb Orlando, social director and past bocce president, organized, coordinated and pulled off a very nice Spring Into Bocce Brunch. We were greeted at the door by two amazing volunteers, Karen Peters and Colleen McIntyre with our table numbers and some new bocce apparel samples. Beanies now available.

The tables were beautifully set up and decorated by social committee volunteers, Gay Stuart and Tricia Hunt. The homemade centerpieces turned out to be giveaways at each table. A nice touch of live plants in cute pots.
120 bocce players and guests mingled and enjoyed adult beverages and listened to the mellow sounds of David Johnson. Some of our bocce ladies enjoyed visiting with their table mates who they don’t always see outside of the bocce courts. Long time friends are great friends.

Time to eat and the food was very good and plentiful. Eggs Benedict, scrambled eggs, potatoes, sausage bacon, croissants, French toast, fresh fruit.

After we ate and ate, then it was time to get down and bogey. As David Johnson entertained us with his smooth jazz and some current danceable music, the bocce players became line dancers. David joined in and everyone had a great time. Music is enjoyed by everyone.

The Bocce Club wishes to thank Barb, Trica and Gay for their hard work and for a very enjoyable Spring Brunch. What a nice way to kick off the 2025 Bocce year. Much more to come.

You can see more Brunch pictures and find out what’s happening next in the bocce world at our website: But mark your calendars now for our first bash of the year on March 7 and followed by our first themed bash on March 14 for St. Patrick’s Day. These take places Fridays, 3 to 5 p.m.
Want to watch some bocce competition? Our first tournament, the Spring Mixer starts March 10. Spectators always welcomed but leave your pets at home, please. Come cheer on your friends.