Bocce newbies hone important skills at Skilz course

Bocce Skilz course
Bocce Skilz course

On Tuesday, December 10, the Bocce Gurus conducted an advanced beginning Skilz course for 30 participants. Organized and directed by Tom Hunt, the tournament director, this program was intended to assist the newer bocce player in honing some valuable skills. Tom was assisted by six volunteers with some serious skills in these areas: Fran Schumaker, Kerry Besmehn, Todd Horvatich, Roger King, Jeff Rose and Jay Deimling. 

This two-hour program focused on bocce game skills such as distance control, banking techniques, and strategies for better play. 

If you missed this class and really would like to work on these skills, don’t despair. There’s another class scheduled for January 28 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Class size is limited to 30 participants and fills fast. So don’t delay! To register, go to the bocce website at