On an African safari, our Kenyan guide asked our group of 12 retired Americans to introduce themselves. Generally, folks focused on long gone jobs. We were stuck in old identities.
In contrast, in the 3rd Sunday of Old Testament readings (Neh 8:2-10; 1Cor. 12:12-30, Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21) Ezra, Paul and Jesus discern their identities in their here and now. Moreover, they also name their Mission (What?) and Ministry (How?) Ezra, the priest scribe (Identity) oversees rebuilding the religious identity of Judah after the Babylon exile (Mission.) Ezra’s Ministry? Read aloud an extended portion of the Torah, the book of the Law and ignite his listeners with courage, hope, and joy.
In the second reading to the divided Corinthians, Paul, who self-identifies as Christ’s Ambassador, desires the faith community use their spiritual gifts to build up the Church, the Body of Christ. Paul’s Ministry? Write, speak, and stay on message, despite imprisonment, shipwrecks, or scorn.
Gospel writer Luke captures Jesus’ identity in Jesus’ reading from Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me….” Jesus’ Identity: The Anointed One, the Messiah. Jesus’ Mission: “To bring glad tidings to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free, proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” Although not spelled out here, Jesus lived out his Ministry to heal, teach, reconcile, and restore to wholeness all of God’s Children.
How about you? What is your identity, mission, and ministry as a child of God? In maturing as Christ’s disciple, your identity may expand, your mission change, and your ministry take new shape. Like Ezra’s listeners we need courage, hope, and joy to embrace our evolving identity, mission, and ministry. We also need silence and solitude to hear God. As today’s Psalm 19 proclaims: “Your Words, Lord, are Spirit and life.”