Celebrate Cat Club’s 1 year anniversary!

Ariel adopted by Anne and Kirk Harding

Come to the one-year anniversary celebration of the Village Cat Club. A year ago we started with 20 members. We’ve cleaned up the directory, removing duplicates and people who have left The Villages, and we now have an accurate count at 145 Cat Club members!

On Monday, January 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Vineyard Center, we will celebrate with a cake, as well as a group photo to mark the occasion.

We will also have an open discussion of what’s working best for your cats and what’s not working so well. Please be prepared to share any good tips for your fellow Cat Club members.

Once again the “leave something, take something” table will be available. Bring something your cat doesn’t like, and pick up something new to try. This is always free! 

Those of you who are working with Ana Thompson, the in-home pet groomer, please remember to schedule your monthly appointments as Ana is commuting from Sacramento so she needs to know in advance when she’s needed in The Villages. Check our website for costs and services.

Join the Cat Club for friendship and an interest in caring for cats (five of our members don’t have a cat). Please sign up by using the Cat Club website at https://sites.google.com/view/villages-cat-club