Check out new equipment at Fitness Center

The Village’s Fitness Center, behind Cribari Center, just received delivery of some new equipment and we’re inviting the community to come see it for themselves! Whether you’re a seasoned gym goer or just beginning your wellness journey, there’s something for everyone. The new additions include a recumbent bike, rower, heavy punching bag, chest press, shoulder press and more. Designed with your health in mind, the equipment offers smoother motion, customizable settings, and interactive features to keep you motivated and challenged.

As a reminder, if you are a new Fitness Center user you will need to go to a Fitness Center orientation session first to gain access. You can register for an orientation session online through the Calendar of Events on the Member Portal or by contacting Recreation Services staff in Building B during regular business hours. The orientation sessions are held every Thursday evening starting at 7 p.m. and at 9:30 a.m. the second Saturday of each month.

We hope you enjoy the new equipment!