Join Hiking Club’s Soup Supper and White Elephant event

Vegetable Soup Bowl

The Hiking Club will hold its Annual Soup Supper and White Elephant Gift Exchange on Friday, February 7 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Foothill Center.

Please contact Bibi Bruce at 404-226-5594 or by January 31 if you have a favorite soup to share. Otherwise, bring an appetizer of your choice, to serve 8-10 people. Sample different soups (bowls will be provided), and please bring your preferred beverage and glass. We will provide water, coffee and dessert.

The White Elephant Gift Exchange will take place after supper. White Elephant Gifts are typically inexpensive, humorous items, or just plain peculiar! So, wrap one up and bring to the supper, and join in the fun! Note: a gift is not necessary, however, it does add to the fun! Hope to see you there.