Planter fertilization application will take place on the week of March 3rd throughout all of the villages. (See attachment for more information.)
Two oak tree removals at 6135 Montgomery Place is scheduled on March 4 by SavATree.
Fountain timer on lower Verano Lake was replaced by California Waterscape.
Valle Vista Sewer
On February 22, 2025, the sewer at the entry to Valle Vista overflowed. The incident was immediately addressed and clean up measures were undertaken as per county requirement. As a follow-up Express Plumbing used a video camera to inspect the line on February 27. The vendor found an obstruction in the line and will be back on March 4 to perform a hydro flush.
Sink Hole
On February 19, the City of San Jose visited the project site. The city performed an investigation and determined the scope of work required to fix the repair. On February 28 , A&B construction added soil to the area, removed and then reinstalled plant material and irrigation, added bark material and additional soil. Lastly, the vendor compacted the new and existing soil.
Cribari PG&E Project
PG&E hired MGE, one of their standard subcontractors, to do some trenching and prepare a location in Cribari for the installation of a “switch”. This location was determined because of where the power lines converge and where they have an easement. The purpose of the switch is so they can separate load. Plainly, if there was ever an outage it would reduce the severity of the power outage.
Bunker Project
Earth Sculptures is a day ahead. They are going to close hole 12 and work throughout the weekend. The project’s progress is looking good. The project is on track to be completed by the end of March.
Cribari Flat Roof – Environmental roofing has made great progress. Building 2 (units 5508-5513) is fully completed. Building 1 (units 5514-5517) needs some additional material to be added. Building 3 (units 5501-5507) has had all repairs completed. The vendor needs to add some additional material at this location. The vendor is also awaiting bids for the replacement of two (2) skylights at Building 3.
Pool Fence Update – CPB Construction and an engineer from ABR Engineer is creating plan set to send to DEH Santa Clara County. There are two sets of plans being created. One set of plans has been created to offer a temporary solution which will allow us to open the pools. The reopening of the pools will be driven by DEH Santa Clara County’s review and approval of these plans. A second set of plans has been created to offer a long-term solution to replace the fencing at the impacted pools.