Play afternoon bingo on February 5!

Come to VMA Afternoon Bingo on Wednesday, February 5!

The Villages Medical Auxiliary (VMA) afternoon Bingo is fun!

Where: Cribari Auditorium

When: Doors open at 3 p.m. The first game starts at 3:30 p.m.

Each bingo card costs $1 or six cards for $5.

Bingo is one of many services offered by the VMA to residents. All money collected for the cards is returned to the winning players. Attendance is free.

Come join in the fun, win some prizes, and enjoy the free cookies and coffee or tea. All players receive a complimentary raffle ticket. Two players will win a Clubhouse gift card.

VMA afternoon bingo continues from February to October on the first Wednesday of each month.

Arrange a free ride or direct questions by calling the Villages Medical Auxiliary at 408-238-4230.
