Play bingo by night, bingo by day

The first evening Bingo of the year on February 19 sold out with more than 200 Villagers enjoying a meal and entertainment from Mr. Bingo himself, Mike Ramer. Payouts were high with so many in attendance. All money collected for game cards is paid out to the winners. The VMA benefits from the sale of drawing tickets sold for the fabulous baskets that are donated. Over $900 was collected on February 19! The next night bingo is Wednesday, April 9. Watch for reservation notifications!
Afternoon bingo is held the first Wednesday at Cribari Auditorium. No reservations are required; simply drop in! Doors open at 3 p.m. and the game begins at 3:30 p.m. Coffee, tea, cookies and snacks are offered free of charge. The next one is April 2. Join us!