Member Notice: Proposed Changes to Club Rules Attachment D, Rule 1.30 The Pulse and The Villager and Rule 1.32 The Villages Website
At the January 28, 2025, monthly board meeting, the Club Board approved for 30-day member notice proposed changes to Club Rules Attachment D, Rule 1.30 The Pulse and The Villager and Rule 1.32 The Villages Website prior to formal approval consideration at the March 25, 2025, monthly meeting.
Response to the proposed rule changes may be made by one or more of the following methods: 1) Participation in the discussion of the changes at the February 25 and March 25 board meetings; 2) via e-mail ( with comments sent to the General
Manager’s office at least seven days prior to the board meetings; or 3) via written comments to the General Manager’s office (Business Administration Building A) delivered at least seven days prior to the aforementioned board meetings.
Deleted text is shown with strike through text.
Added text is shown with underlined text.
Attachment D
The proposed revision to Attachment D modifies the time period to provide notice of proposed rules changes to members/residents from 30 days to 21 days. Changing the notice period not only aligns the notice period with that for proposed Club Board policy changes but also facilitates more timely approval consideration of proposed changes. Currently, depending on the date of the board meeting, which is held on the last Tuesday of each month, it can sometimes take up to two months for the Board to review and approve proposed changes. By reducing the notice period to 21 days, the process can be streamlined, ensuring that proposals are considered more efficiently and in a timelier manner.
Rule 1.30 The Pulse and The Villager
The purpose of the revision to Rule 1.30 is to bring the content of the rule current. Since the writing of Rule 1.30, The Villages has:
• launched the Member Portal and The Villager Online
• clarified the process of rejection
• formalized the Pulse submission parameters
• hired a Communications AGM to make appropriate edits to existing content
Rule 1.32 The Villages Website
The purpose of revision to Rule 1.32 is to bring the content of the rule current. Since the writing of Rule 1.32, The Villages has:
• Launched the Member Portal and Member mobile app, which now allows members to post a profile image. This image has a specific purpose and guidelines for proper use.