Public Works updates for the week of February 17

  • Broadleaf weed control product application throughout all of the districts will take place on the week of 2/17. (See attachment for more information)
  • BellaVista’s irrigation team informed us of a potential leak due to high water usage readings at the Clubhouse water meter. The Villages in-house irrigation team identified the water feature as the source of the leak. The Clubhouse water feature is being inspected to locate and repair the leak by California Waterscape.

  • French drain installation at the Stables was completed by The Villages in-house landscape team.

  • Leaking backflow in Valle Vista to be repaired by Salcido’s Backflow Services on Saturday, February 15.

Asphalt Striping Project

Work to start next week Tuesday, February 18 through Thursday, February 20. Wednesday, February 20 will be the day the front gate is worked on, with traffic control in place during that time.