Pulse letter for July 4

We Villagers reaped the benefit of “Democracy in Action” recently after the Club Board of Directors (CBOD) presented a total revision of the Club’s Bylaws for proposed members vote in the coming weeks. Questions and serious concerns arose as Villagers began reviewing the draft.  The CBOD did the wise thing and provided opportunities for members to voice those concerns – there were many—and the CBOD listened. Kudos to the Villagers who took the time to review the document and to relay questions and concerns to the CBOD. The final proof of “Democracy in Action” occurred during the June 25 monthly CBOD meeting. Kudos to the CBOD for acknowledging that their draft Bylaws document was a misstep and they have withdrawn it. Their current plan for revising is to red-line the current Club Bylaws so Villagers can readily see the proposed changes prior to a member vote later this year. All Villagers are members of the Club—and we all need to pay attention to Board actions. We know that being able to vote is an American privilege and  each of us needs to cherish that privilege—and cast our vote when we’re called upon to do so. 

—Vera Buescher