Cutting Down on Food Waste: Take proactive steps to reduce food waste. For example, plan meals ahead of time and shop accordingly for portion sizes and servings. When you have leftovers, ensure they are stored properly – and enjoy in an appropriate amount of time. Find ways to use food scraps, such as saving vegetable scraps for broths or sauces.
The Villages community is fortunate to have Green Team Waste Services provide automatic recycling of food and organic waste through the normal garbage pickup at The Villages.
Food and green waste is taken to GreenWaste’s Renewable Energy Digestion Facility. This is an anaerobic digestion facility designed not only to compost organic material, and thus keep them out of landfills, but also to extract energy from the organic material during the process.
GreenWaste’s Renewable Energy Digestion Facility in San Jose is the first large-scale commercial dry fermentation AD technology in the United States, producing clean, green renewable energy, while simultaneously producing a feedstock for composting. The facility can process up to 90,000 tons per year of organic waste generating approximately 1.6MW of clean green renewable power and is the largest facility of its kind in the nation. As a net power producer, the first use of power is to run the facility, with excess power being sold to California’s Grid.