Republican Club Crowd

The Republican Club at The Villages hosted an entire day of fun on January 20, starting with an Oath of Office Watch Party from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., then an Inauguration “Ball” Potluck Dinner/Dance at 5 p.m. At the Watch Party, Burt Lancaster, Jean Corrigan, and Cathy Pope were honored for their numerous years of service to the Republican Club. Speaking of elections, this club recently held theirs, and the officers of the Board of Directors effective January 1 are as follows: Mary Wagle – President, Burt Lancaster – Vice President, Michelle McQuay – Secretary, Laura Swenson – Treasurer, Gayle Chase – Membership, Gisele Barber – Food and Beverage/Reservations, Decorations – Pam McCarthy, Alan Chase – Information Technology, Joyce Kludt – Photographer, and Kathy Dombrowski, Sandy Tate, Cathy Pope, and Kathleen Holt – Social Committee.

ABC7 News contacted the club for video of the event. CLICK HERE to view the televised clip that aired that same evening on the 11 p.m. news.

The Republican Club was also contacted by Turning Point USA, and the Board of Directors has been invited to be VIP guests to hear political activist and swimmer Riley Gaines speak when she comes to San Jose on February 6. Additional Club events are now in the planning stages, with at least three more in the works for 2025. Become a Republican Club member today by contacting Gayle Chase at
