Villagers donate nearly 400 coats to ‘One Warm Coat’ Drive
This past Friday, December 13 was the final day of the 2024 One Warm Coat Drive. The coat drive began on October 14 and over the course of the past two months Villagers have been cleaning their closets and drawers and generously sharing what they have uncovered. Coats and jackets that are no longer needed or no longer worn but have lots of warmth/use left in them have been collected, numbering just under 400 coats!
The many recipients that are served by Citi Team Ministries are the fortunate beneficiaries of the generosity shared by the many Villagers who have made this drive such a success. A big shout out to the Villages’ Shonis who made children their focus and donated several new kid’s coats and jackets, which are sure to bring smiles along with warmth. Anonymous financial donations have also been received and will add to the One Warm Coat’s ability to serve the large population of people in need this season.
Since the One Warm Coat’s inception over 1,500 non-profits and 50,000 individual organizations have collected 8 million coats keeping 60 percent of such garments out of the landfills.
In this season of sharing as we give thanks for all that we have, thanks to the many Villagers for every generous donation. You have made a warm difference!