VMA: Chat over Cookies & See What Your Phone Says

By Barbara F. Zahner, Health Programs

“Sorry, could you repeat that number?” 

Try as you might, you miss numbers, dates, moments, and messages in your phone calls. Elli Tehrani, specialist for Clear Captions, wants to treat you to cookies and conversation about a free service (for those who qualify) that offers real-time captioning as you speak on the telephone. This service is free for those who qualify. With this feature on your cell and home phone, you can:

• Stay connected and read (and re-read) the words of your loved ones.

• Have clearer phone conversations catching every word.

• Maintain your independence and not need help with phone calls. 

In short in real time, you will see what you and your caller say over the phone. You will also have an emergency weather alert system from FEMA.

ClearCaptions is free for customers who are qualified through Title IV of the Americans for Disability Act. These laws were created so people with hearing loss disabilities can access their phone calls. Telephone companies and internet providers contribute to the fund to help service providers such as ClearCaptions make this service available to you. 

Ready to learn more and enjoy cookies and conversation? Join Elli Tehrani on Wednesday, April 2 in the Sequoia Room from 1 to 2 p.m. This event is sponsored by the VMA.

Elli needs to know how many dozens of cookies to bring. Reserve your spot now, either online at https://vmavillages.vgcc.club and clicking on “Register for Programs” or by calling the VMA office at 408-238-4029.
