VMA to present ‘Your Health, Hearing & Untreated Hearing Loss’

Lori Coyle on VMA Hearing Health

By Barbara F. Zahner, VMA Health Programs

Dinner bubbled with laughter and lively conversation. All leaned in—except for my friend who kept saying, “What did they say? I missed it.”  For those with untreated hearing loss, social gatherings—and just ordinary chit-chat—can be gut-wrenching. Loretta (Lori) Coyle, a licensed hearing aid dispenser, will present “Your Health, Hearing, and Untreated Hearing Loss” on Wednesday, March 26 in Sequoia, from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon. A frequent visitor to The Villages, Lori provides complimentary hearing screenings and Hearing Aid Cleaning and repair in Montgomery Center every other month. “I believe that changing people’s lives by helping them hear better is a most rewarding service,” said Lori, who has a background in healthcare. In her one-hour talk, Lori will cover:

• Reasons to check your hearing

• Facts about hearing loss

• Relationship between the brain and the ear

• Impacts of untreated hearing loss physical, emotionally, socially, and cognitively

• Relation of hearing loss and cognitive decline

• Benefits of wearing hearing aids

Research shows that people wait an average of seven years before they seek meaningful help for hearing loss that they are aware they are experiencing. Regardless of the reason—pride, stigma, perceived cost, denial, if you have untreated hearing loss, you are locking yourself into a smaller life with each passing day. Liberate yourself and your loved ones. Get the facts. Register for a complimentary screening available on site and at Lori’s office. Enjoy social gatherings, friendly chatter, and family banter with gusto. 

The first step is signing up for the “Sign up for Your Health, Hearing, and Untreated Hearing Loss” workshop. Visit https://vmavillages.vgcc.club and click on “Register for Programs” and follow prompts. Or call the office at 408-238-4029.