VMA: Volunteering – The Lifeblood of the Villages

Volunteer Volunteering

“When you understand giving, when you understand receiving, you understand that it is all self-organizing. You just have to dance, and in some moments you’re asked to give and in some moments you are asked to receive, but your ultimate prerogative is to just dance.” – Nipun Mehta from “The Benefits of Volunteering.”

Experience and research show that while volunteering is good in and of itself, volunteers may receive as much or more than they give. Some of the benefits: it keeps people active; leads to new friendships, less loneliness, and more social support; it instills a sense of purpose, and improves self-esteem and self-confidence; and they feel a sense of accomplishment. Researchers find volunteering may even help people live longer because of physical health benefits such as reduced inflammation. 

How do you give of your time?  There are so many opportunities to share your vast experiences to the benefit of others and ourselves here at The Villages. Consider stepping in.

Happy Holidays from the VMA!
