‘What a Precious Gift’

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I first heard the expression, “What a precious gift” as a child, expressed by friends of my mother. She had received a costly gift from a family member. They knew the gift was beyond my Mother’s means and how much it meant to her. Sometimes, ladies look at pictures of a recent birth of a child and say, “How precious!” especially when the mother had a challenging birthing experience.

The Bible reveals the extent to which God cares about us and is willing to restore our relationship with Him by sacrificing His precious, one and only Son. God controlled every event in human history and gathered the forces of nature to comply with His will, His son’s birth, suffering, death, burial, and resurrection to give us eternal life. The demonstration of love for us should prove His care for us with everything we may face in this broken world.

If God went to all those lengths to control the events of the world to sacrifice His one and only Son for your eternal security, why would He abandon you now? We all come into this world with the number of days we shall live before transitioning from this life to the next.

Unfortunately, some of us lose our mates with whom we start our faith journey, with no knowledge of the brevity of life. This may be your first, second, third year or more, for you to live without them during this Christmas season.

Don’t let any evil enemy whisper any lies in your ear, that life is miserable and you are alone or God doesn’t hear or care. Don’t become fearful that you will not get through the loneliness. Never forget that God unleashed His powerful, precious love gift because you matter to him, and He will do whatever it takes to protect and keep you safe.

I pray that the Lord blesses you during this Christmas season with unexpected new friends in your life until the time you join your loved ones in His presence. This is a promise from the Lord: Deuteronomy 31:8 – “The Lord himself goes before you and will never leave you; He will never forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

What a gift you are to us!

Please celebrate with us at the Christmas Cantata and experience the Good Life at the Villages Community Chapel in Cribari Auditorium this Sunday at 10 a.m. to be encouraged over the Word of Life and enjoy coffee and cookies with friends. The chapel is a place for needs to be met, faith to be affirmed, and new friends to embrace. You can view our worship services on YouTube at http://www.villagescommunitychapel.vgcc.club